Our New Space

2020 is the first year in our, more than a decade long history, when we haven't been able to have an exhibition. This extraordinary year has challenged most of us to try new things and innovate. Kala Tarang took baby steps with online sales by setting up a Facebook shop to which our supporters have responded with enthusiasm. And now with our new website we hope to enhance our online presence and experience.

Even while we seek more online engagement with fellow craft enthusiasts, we feel that there is a joy of touching and feeling handcrafted items which cannot be replicated with online experiences. We have also missed the wonderful little chats with craft lovers about the unique pieces on display in our exhibitions. In an effort to address these missing elements, we have taken up an office on Keppel Road (Singapore). Small and limited in display opportunities it may well be, but we have tried to make the most of it. Our aim has been to create a space where we can get up close and personal with handmade crafts.

ll visits to the office space per rules, are by appointment only. (Safe distancing and other safe management measures will be in place). We are also happy to arrange video calls from our space for those who would like see products 'live' but from their homes.

So, if you have been wanting to see some handloom sarees or handmade rugs, pottery items for tableware or maybe metalwork for home decor, drop us a message at (+1) 650 885 1776 or email us sangeeta.roy@kalatarang.com.